The world's changed. Have your employees?
Learn more about our learning tool and how it can empower your employees
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Built with you in mind
each one of our courses emphasizes both business and casual content, not one or the other.
Quick setup
Download the app.
Easy to use
Connect your business profile.
On your time
Life is busy, take lessons when you can.
A suite of tools at your disposal
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For Business
Empower your employees to reach new heights. Multilingual employees have been shown to not only increase company engagement levels, but also lead to more revenue.
For Personal Use
Whether you're traveling to a country for the first time and want to immerse yourself in the culture or simply brushing up on some old vocab, it's never too late to start learning.
"Lingo Bingo helped me connect with the people of Gotham in ways I never expected. I learned Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish faster than I ever could have imagined."
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